29 December 2008

She is leaving home...

Ten points to anyone who knows the artist to the song above. :) (I don't know what points do but I give them to you freely.)

Anyway, this is going to be a setimental blog post. You see, something happened today that has never happened in the history of my immediate family. One of us is moving away. That might not seem monumental to many because usually kids move away out of high school to go to college or pursue a job or what not.

However, with the things that my family has gone through the last ten years, we've stuck together. If we weren't living in the same house, we were living in the same city. As a family, we've definitely had our fair share of ups and downs. There have been many bumps in the road as we've followed Jesus and what He's called us to do. But the amazing thing is that it hasn't torn our family apart. We've grown stronger through the trials we've had to face and I know that Jesus has blessed us with a closeness not many families share.

Nonetheless, there comes a time when one must break off and find their own way. And that's what my youngest sister is doing. She's moving to California today, to strike out on her own. While I am sad and it breaks my heart to see her leave, I am so very proud of her. It's time for her to go out and see what she's really made of. My baby sister needs the chance to be her own person outside of our city and all that's happened in the last ten years. I think deep down she needs to know if she can make it on her own.

I have nothing but the very deepest faith - not only in her - but in the Lord to take care of her and to guide her on this new adventure. And while I'm sad I won't see her sweet face a few times a week, I am so excited to see what this move does for her.

So if you think about it, pray for my sister Carly as she travels and sets up a new life in CA.


(Carly, me and my other sister Kalli)

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