07 January 2009

Who's the Lamest of them all???

Yeah, that'd be me. And I know it. I am fully admitting it in front of God and everyone.

I'm lame.

I don't know what I was thinking. Trying to start a book review during the holiday is basically blog suicide. I was so pumped. I would read these books and then post the reviews and it would be awesome. Then Christmas showed up. And a broken toe. And my sister left home. And New Years. And I sneezed seven times in one day.

Yes, I basically came up with any excuse I could to not blog. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I read all these awesome blogs and when it comes time to do my own post, I go completely numb. I become full of fear that I am an inferior blogger. I know that I am a funny person when I'm talking to people. But wit and humor seem to flee me when I sit down at a keyboard. The cursor mocks me, daring me to write. I try to prove it wrong but I can't seeem to find words. I read and reread what I've written and then delete it because I think it stinks.

Maybe I just need a topic. I'm going to ask a question and I want responses. I know there are people reading this... so talk to me. What topics do you like to read about on a blog? Anything ranging from ridiculous to serious... I just need some brainstorming.

And maybe, eventually, I'll post that book review.


  1. you're not lame. just over-extended. =)

    and you left out the trampolining...

    What I like to read about on a blog. Honestly, it's usually not reviews.

    Some of my favorite blogs are those that go deep. Talk about spiritual journeys. and not your typical, legalistic type blog. I'm talking real, in your face, I'm so screwed up but I'm trying, and this is what His grace poured out on all that screwed-up-ness looks like type of thing.

    But I also like some blogs that talk about anything and everything, all wrapped up in a snark bow.
